Lifestyle in Colombia: My Journey So Far

Midlife can be a period of discovery, a time to rediscover lost passions, hobbies, and interests. It can also be a time to take a break from the corporate lifestyle and explore other ways of living. That’s exactly what I decided to do when I packed my bags and flew to Colombia, a beautiful South American country with a culture that’s vibrant, colorful, and full of life.

For many years, I had been working long hours in a corporate job, and I knew that I needed a change. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone, immerse myself in a new culture, and live life on my own terms. So, I chose Colombia as my first destination and set out to explore the country, meet new people, and learn about the way of life here.

From the moment I arrived in Colombia, I was struck by the warmth and hospitality of the people. Whether it was the locals I met in the streets, or the expats who had made Colombia their home, everyone was friendly, welcoming, and eager to share their experiences with me.

Living the Stress-Free Life

In Colombia, I discovered a way of living that was stress-free, relaxed, and unhurried. People here take the time to savor life’s simple pleasures, whether it’s a cup of coffee with friends, a leisurely stroll in the park, or a weekend spent exploring the countryside.

I soon realized that this was exactly the kind of lifestyle that I had been craving. In Colombia, I didn’t feel rushed or pressured to keep up with the fast pace of life back home. Instead, I was able to slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy each moment as it came.

One of the things that I love most about living in Colombia is the emphasis on family and community. People here place a high value on spending time with loved ones and building strong relationships with their neighbors. As someone who had spent many years feeling disconnected from my community, I found this aspect of Colombian culture to be both refreshing and inspiring.

Discovering New Horizons

My time in Colombia has been a journey of discovery, both inward and outward. As I’ve explored this beautiful country, I’ve also discovered more about myself and what truly matters to me.

I’ve learned that happiness doesn’t come from material possessions or a high-powered career. Instead, it comes from the simple things in life: spending time with loved ones, pursuing passions and interests, and giving back to the community.

Living in Colombia has allowed me to disconnect from the noise and distractions of the modern world, and reconnect with my true self. It’s been an eye-opening experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.


If you’re feeling stuck in the corporate grind, or simply craving a change of pace, I highly recommend considering a move to Colombia. Whether you’re interested in starting a new business, pursuing a passion, or simply taking a break from the rat race, this country offers a unique and enriching experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

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