My First Month in Colombia: Exploring the Beauty Beyond the Horizon


After spending several decades working in the corporate world in the United States, I found myself feeling burned out and unfulfilled. I knew I needed a change in my life, but I wasn’t quite sure what that change would entail. Then, one day, I stumbled upon the idea of exploring midlife by getting away from the corporate lifestyle in the US and discovering new ways of stress-free living in other countries.

My journey began in Colombia, a country with a rich history, diverse culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. As I embarked on this new adventure, I promised myself that I would journal my life journey in Colombia by observing and experiencing life beyond the horizon. In this blog post, I will share some of my experiences and insights during my first month in Colombia.

Section 1: Embracing the Local Culture

One of the things I love about traveling to new places is immersing myself in the local culture. In Colombia, I was blown away by the warmth and friendliness of the people. Despite the language barrier, I found that Colombians were eager to help me navigate my way around the city and to teach me a few Spanish phrases along the way.

One of the cultural highlights of my trip was attending a traditional Colombian festival called Feria de las Flores. This festival is held every year in Medellin, the second-largest city in Colombia. The festival is a celebration of the country’s vibrant flowers and features parades, concerts, and other cultural events. It was an incredible experience, and I felt like I was truly part of the local community.

Section 2: Discovering Natural Beauty

Colombia is a country of breathtaking natural beauty, and I made it a priority to explore as much of it as possible during my first month here. One of my favorite excursions was visiting the Cocora Valley, which is home to the tallest palm trees in the world. The valley is nestled in the Andean mountains and is a stunning sight to behold. I hiked through the valley, marveling at the towering trees and the stunning views.

Another highlight of my trip was visiting the Tayrona National Park, which is located on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. This park is known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush tropical forest. I spent a day hiking through the park, stopping to swim in the ocean and explore the various trails. It was a truly unforgettable experience.

Section 3: Embracing the Slow Life

One of the things I love about Colombia is the emphasis on the slow life. People here take their time and really savor the moment. I’ve learned to appreciate the little things, like sipping a cup of coffee on a sunny terrace or strolling through a local market.

During my first month in Colombia, I’ve also learned to embrace the concept of ‘mañana’ or tomorrow. Things move at a slower pace here, and deadlines are more flexible. It can be frustrating at first, but I’ve learned to let go of my need for control and to enjoy the present moment.


My first month in Colombia has been an incredible adventure. I’ve discovered new cultures, explored stunning natural beauty, and learned to embrace the slow life. I’m excited to see what the rest of my journey holds and to continue journaling my experiences along the way.

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